A Gift and Two Stories

Good morning you all! I’ve been wanting to share a couple of true happenings with you all that have come in unexpected packaged blessings from God recently!

Story #1: One beautiful Fall day in October, I grabbed my camera and headed to the little town of Cedaredge. It was truly a magnificent and glorious day for taking random Fall pics. I stopped by the grocery store, grabbed a few items and then headed down the little Main Street to get some photos I’d been looking for.

Here is proof of my beautiful walk…

On a whim, I decide to drop in at the local “Apple Shed”, a cool little cafe which also boasts of beautiful, local Art work. It has a unique atmosphere, filled with the scent of candles burning, interesting Artsy things and many creative items. Fall Decor, Farm House decor, Flowers and Market stuff…{if you like these kind of things, stop in!}

As I was walking around, being all cool and Artsy feel(y), a truly {random} thought occurred to me. “Random” was my second thought. 😉 I decided it was a far-fetched thought at first.

This is what God asked me right there. “Would you be willing to accept a gift if someone were to ask you what you would like?”

[Now, if you know me at all, gifts is definitely one of my top Love languages.]

I paused for a second, and softly whispered to myself…”Okay that’s weird. What a selfish thought to have on such a nice day!”

It came again. Louder this time. Then I recognized what was going on. Who was speaking. But like most people do, I still didn’t {sit up} and listen.

“Hmm, not sure, God. Wouldn’t that be kind of selfish of me? There are so many others in the world who could use a gift right now. Why me? This feels so random to me! Maybe you are making a mistake for wanting to give me something! And I sure don’t feel deserving of anything but your LOVE and Mercy today!”

Again came the still, small voice.

“I am serious, would you accept a gift today if you were offered anything?”

I paused again. Very aware of Who was truly talking to me now and I stood a bit straighter to listen. Gone was the random thought idea. But…I still didn’t know what was going to happen next.

I slowly drove home, deep in thought about what I had just encountered. It was so REAL. So obvious of the Holy Spirit’s moving! I remember suddenly feeling very excited about my future, my life! {There is just something about God moving in your heart and life that gives you an amazing confirmation of your identity with HIM!}

I got home, did a few things around the house and talked with one of my sisters for a bit. We decided to Skype. (Happened to be that I got to chat with two of them at the same time then) How wonderful is technology when you live so far away from loved ones!

[Wait for it………..]

Yes, you probably guessed it. One of the first things  that my sister Jalene asked me was,”Hey, been thinking of you and wanting to get you something for your birthday! Is there anything you need right now?!”

I sat there with my brain going pretty crazy!

Now, you have to understand…This is the thing. My birthday was already past by several weeks before that. She just hadn’t gotten around to asking me, she said. But I knew better. It was God building my Faith in HIM. Building my TRUST. Working in my heart. His timing was PERFECT in this whole ordeal.

I don’t know if she saw the tear slide down my cheek or not. It took me a little to think of something, but I did! And yup, I accepted a gift that day. Humbling though it was but so very REAL in my heart. He truly does want what is best for each of us, whether we can always see or feel it, doesn’t matter!

Story #2:

Another fun fact about me: I really like the Lemon Grass Spa items that seem to be floating everywhere these days but it is a bit expensive.{and totally worth it!} 🙂

I had just ordered some of my favorite things several weeks ago. I anxiously awaited for them to arrive. When they were ready to be picked up, Garrett so kindly picked my stuff up at a friend’s house for me and I felt so overjoyed to be stocked again with this precious “stuff”.

[Let’s interrupt here and talk a bit about how attached we get to “things” and the real value of stuff. It has no eternal value. None whatsoever. And our attachment to earthly minded “things” is quite deplorable, in my opinion. I see it everywhere I go. So much STUFF. So much stuff being stuffed into people’s lives and distracting from the REAL things of Life and Love.]

Now another fun fact: We have two little girls, who I absolutely adore and love to bits and pieces. But as any mama should know, you sure don’t leave expensive, cool things just lying around. Well….I didn’t mean to. But they didn’t know that. And as most little girls do, they are curious too and want to touch, smell and feel EVERYTHING. Curious little fingers dumped most of my jar of the “good stuff” right down the tub drain before I could say, “BOO”. I was clearly devastated and my heart sank. Less than 3 days after I got it.

My first instinct was to have an “adult conversation” with [her] without crying. My second thought was…those big, brown eyes staring back at me through a beautiful veil of long, dark, flowing bangs swept to the side. They seemed so innocent. So pure and so adorable. She did not know the price tag difference between cheap soap and my cool stuff.

A still, small voice once again whispered so loud and clear. “It’s NOT worth it, don’t ruin this moment.Please just let it go.”

I felt the voice so strong once again that I could not resist it.

Her dear little heart would have been CRUSHED. I fought back a tear, swept her up in a huge hug and she gave me the sweetest kisses on earth. And I pushed it out of my head.

I had hoped I pushed it away with forgiveness. Forever. Because that’s what strong mamas do.

Three days later, it was a typical, beautiful and another Glorious Fall Day to go to church with our lovely friends and worship our Maker. It was a busy morning, food was prepared for Lunch and away we went. I never gave it a thought that God had another “gift” for me that fine day.

Church was over, lunch “fires” out, conversations were great, fellowship was sweet, kiddos packed into the car and a sweet little 6 yr. old girl came running to catch me before I climbed in to head home. She had a LARGE pink bag. She said it was for me and I gave her a quick hug and kiss before she bounced away. On the way home, I got to take a look as we drove home…

You may have guessed it again.

God had restored 10-fold what I had lost just a few days before! A couple of beautiful, white towels. A $50 GIFT certificate. [say, what?!]


{Thank you Raquel, even though you had NO idea what was going on in my heart!}

Does God care about the little things of life? Does He still require absolute obedience? Does He still have conversations with His people? ABSOLUTELY He does! These are just a few incidents in my life that I wanted to share out loud, and it is REAL folks!

Sit up, Listen and DO. He will bless and use you according to His Will. Be a vessel.

I would once again, love to hear your “incidents” where God touched your heart and life. Care to share with me?

  Blessings, Julia







National Day of Prayer

National Day of Prayer… TODAY. Have you talked with God today? Or did you find more time to talk about others TO others? The list is unending to pray for. But God has moved and spoken and done amazing things, esp. the last while, giving me inspiration to bring more to the Heavenly throne, and learn more of {HIM}. To worship Him. To live for Him. To bring Him [more] glory.

What does PRAYER mean to you? The last few months, Garrett & I have been studying into Prayer more than ever before. We have been searching all angles {of prayer} and our talks with our heavenly Father. What a blessing to commune in this way. Sharing our feelings, our tears, our joys and our fears with the ONE who cares so deeply for each of us. He doesn’t just sit and listen. He talks back. He answers pleas. He rejoices with us. He sends His comforter. He sends Grace in powerful ways. He heals. He moves mountains and He brings Hope for the future.

Seeing God move in dark areas of the world, recently, has boosted my Faith like NEVER before. Yes, we’ve seen evil being cast out before. Yes, we’ve witnessed souls coming to Christ, and yes, we’ve seen healing occur. But in a new and fresh way, we’ve seen darkness fleeing in the presence of our King recently. We’ve seen clouds lift off dark valleys and the [Sun] piercing through blackness. What a powerful God we serve! Are you praying for God’s Light to pierce the darkness in men’s hearts? To overcome wickedness around you? For the shadows to flee?

Are you interceding, pleading and asking God for mercy upon our country? For the LOST tribes around the world? For the sins of man in our own communities? For the souls in our churches? For the forgotten and the lowly of society?

Every day is extremely crucial for the Christian to kneel and PRAY for those you love, for those who need God and for our families! Pray with an open heart. Let God speak and guide you. Tomorrow will be too late for someone to make the right choices and to be set FREE from sins.

I encourage each of you to stop and pray for your husband, wife, children or neighbors. The government. Our country. Let it ripple out across the world. Wider and wider.

Don’t ponder why we “should” pray…that’s where the devil wants YOU. He catches you and me in the “whys”. He moves when you skip a beat. When you fail to communicate with your Father. He’s sly. And he LOVES to catch you unaware.

Life may be busy, hectic and full. Does that tend to stop you from praying like you should? It will NEVER get better and easier. I can promise you that. Make the time today!

Have a BLESSED weekend.

P.S. How far do you think your prayers can ripple to? Food for thought…:)

Are you feeling like a Rug in Life?

Good morning!! Here are some wonderful thoughts from a very dear friend of mine. I had asked her to share a few thoughts on this subject because of a remark she had made to me. I don’t think she could have done a better job!! Thank you Mary Yannayon for your inspiration to me! May God bless you for studying and doing this! It has such a powerful message…prepare to be convicted and changed!!! (Here goes….)

Usually when we think of a rug, we think of something dirty. Something people wipe their feet on and walk on. It is on the floor for that purpose. But it can also be a place for kids to play. It’s warmer in the wintertime. And is easier to take up and wash. We all need rugs, right? Or at least we think we do. smile emoticon Otherwise our whole house collects all that dirt that stays on the rug.
So we have a choice to make. We can be the dirty old rug that is hard and caked with dirt. Feeling sorry for ourselves. Or, we can choose to be a beautiful plush rug washed daily in the blood of Jesus. So as to remain clean,soft and ready to serve.
So let’s take a look at the typical rug as most people see them. They are generally shy, downtrodden, backward type of person. with a pessimistic attitude. They lay there letting people say and do anything they want to them. Them complain to themselves that no one cares about them and feel bad about it. They don’t seem to have the courage to do something about their lives to make it different. Most times, their thought pattern is, ” This is just the way I am. I can’t change. I wouldn’t even know how to begin.” So they are just a dirty old rug, complaining bout their lot in life.
But there is a better way. One can chose to be a beautiful, soft, plush rug. One that cheerfully serves others for the glory of God. Yes collecting other folks dirt and giving it to God to be washed in the blood of Jesus our Savior: So it doesn’t get scattered throughout the house. This “rug” is cheerfully lying there being stumped on, walked on, collecting the dirt, then taking it all to Jesus to be washed. Keeping itself clean and ready to serve again the next day. Make a soft place for others to lay their dirty burdens down. Being a go-between for the Master of the house. Thus, working for Him and helping others to be able to n to lay their burdens down. Jesus uses us to be a witness for Him. Some people are not be comfortable talking to God until they learn to know Him. So we are workers for Him in showing people that. We are their “Rug”.
Sometimes we have to be the lowliest of all before our Master can use us for a greater purpose. So don’t worry about being a “rug”. Just choose to be the best, most beautiful, the softest rug you can be.
So are you a “rug”? If so, what kind of “rug are you? The lovely plush rug others like to use or the dirty, mud caked, hard and unyielding? Not caring about others but just feeling sorry for yourself?
But then you may not be a rug. God may have some other purpose for you. And that is also great! But don’t look down on the “rug”. It is serving a good purpose. You never know when your going to need to have that rug to wipe your feet on. Especially when the storms of life come and your feet get caked with mud. Be thankful for the rug!
John 13:13-16; Matt. 20:25-28; 23:11,12; Mark 9: 34,35; Luke 22:24-27
So maybe I am still a rug. smile emoticon I don’t really know. But if I am I will be a soft plush rug for Jesus and enjoy being it.
So if you have any thoughts to share on this subject feel free to share. Maybe I can learn something. But Please don’t dishonor God in your comments. Thank You!

“Encouragement” Part 2: Step out into your Community!

Good morning! Such a beautiful April, Springy morning…my heart couldn’t be happier. And it’s Thursday. Which means tomorrow is Friday. And I can live with that. 🙂 One thing I love is: weekends. Garrett is home. We get things done and caught up around the house. And chat over coffee. Not just one cup, but sometimes two. And HE makes breakfast Saturday mornings. Have I ever expressed how much I love him?! 😉

And since today is Thursday….this means one thing for me. Something that pretty much takes up most of my day.

Blanket day for the Homeless Shelter.

And since this post is about Encouraging our community, what better day to write my thoughts on the matter? 🙂

For a few years, Garrett and I were blessed to minister in a growing church in our little town. We loved it. We thrived on serving others. And we were often so encouraged in return. We strove to do our very best for the people we had come to love as “our people”. But…in spite of all this, once in awhile we’d feel there was something, well…missing. Yes, we did all we could with the Holy Spirit’s direction. And guidance. And as much as time allowed. Garrett had a 70 hour week job. Plus preaching and ministering…well that  took all energy that was left. If not even more at times. Then there was chaos in the church. So how does one “find” time to reach out into a community when this is your lifestyle? Filled to the brim with commitments etc.?

And now since many things have changed in our lives…our little church is quite smaller. (And also we have noticed a huge difference when there’s peace in church life) there is now much more time for others! Yes, the work load is still heavy, the church responsibilities are heavy, but almost like magic, we find there’s SO much more time for the community! And we praise God for this! This is what the Christian’s life is to be like. Filled with peace and JOY, filling us up until it spills out to others. Until it affects those we meet. And one thing is for sure: when you are open to God’s leading (no, not everyone may understand this at times) doors will swing open like you have never seen before!

We have been blessed to get to know our community in the past year, in ways we’ve never seen in the past 10 years we’ve lived here. What a shame! When the focus of a church is not on itself, God can use it’s members to reach out, make a difference and spread His Word. This has been His command to all Christians for a long time. It is nothing new.

So how can we encourage our communities? Here’s a list of ideas. Just to get started:  (I’m sure there are MANY ways other than this list!)

1. First of all, PRAY. Pray for your town. For the mayor. For the people. For the churches. And for the darkness to flee. Ask God to show you ways to reach out. Then do His Holy Spirit’s bidding. Listen for His calling. And watch for opportunities.

2. Volunteer some free time you may have. This goes a long way into making a difference! This is a wonderful way to support and encourage other organizations. Not just your own agendas.

3. Visit with other Christians from your community. Have coffee with them. Pray with them when they struggle with needs. Bless them. And speak words of LIFE into their souls. {My husband has been friends with a man from town for over 10 years. They do coffee weekly. As they sip coffee together, they chat about God and life. Being his friend has encouraged him when he could have divorced. When his first child began college. And he felt he might “lose” him. etc. Just being there for him, was what he needed.}

4. Invite others to your church services. Sometimes even just an invite goes a long way to make them feel welcomed and loved. Seek God’s guidance in this and reach out as opportunities arise. Even a tiny church can do this. Your singing and services don’t have to be perfect. When God is present, encouragement and conviction will take place.

5. Converse with your neighbors. Sing for them- think, Christmas Caroling! Our neighbors talk about it ALL year long. They feel the encouragement lasting for months after! And they’d be so disappointed if we skip a year. This is esp. essential to elderly neighbors. Take them a plate of cookies throughout the year. Put something in their mailboxes. One of my neighbor ladies’ children walk home from their school bus daily. Right past my front door. This is the perfect time for me to send a plate along with them. And it gives them an afternoon/after school snack to boot! 🙂

6. When you go shopping, SMILE! Bring sunshine to other people’s hearts and lives. Take note, when someone shares with you a tragedy or a moment of Joy. Pay attention when someone says they just lost a loved one and you see a tear slip down their cheek. Give them a hug when appropriate. Pray for them. Be loving. And be understanding.

7. Find a church group activity you can do together. How about cooking for a needy family? How about a clothing bundle for a poor family? Last year, [have to boast just a little on our church ladies here] 🙂 our ladies all got together and literally baked ALL day long for a Christmas project in town. It took many hours, a lot of effort, but let me tell you one thing. It was worth it all. Seeing the JOY on people’s faces receiving the gifts. The squeals of delight. And the love reflecting back.

8. Invite folks over for a meal. Make friends with them and bless them in this way if possible. Open your home to the banker. To the family doctor. Maybe even the mayor. If they have questions about your Faith, answer openly and honestly. Host a backyard bar-b-q for these friends you made. Share your Faith and beliefs.

9. Witness to those around you gently. Don’t be abrasive. Rude or insistent. But bold gentleness. [is there such a thing?!] 🙂 Recently, I had the “privilege” to witness to the Priest (Father Tom) at our local Catholic church. As he asked questions about why I’m dressed as I am, and what I think about the veiling. And issues on modesty to family life etc. I felt God’s presence with me. Guiding, giving me words to speak and filling my mouth with His wisdom. It was so refreshing to feel the Holy Spirit’s guidance in the time of a need, for boldness.

This is what Father Tom told me: “I have NEVER met anyone who believes in the veiling and modesty like you do. You simply live it out. Thanks for sharing with me. Now if ONLY I could convince my wife and the church ladies in my parish to do the same. The Bible says it clearly. Thank you for sharing it with me. I’m standing in amazement, and you gave me so much to think about.”

Hmmm. Yup, just a little old Mennonite lady here. Nothing fancy. And looking “quaint”. 🙂

10. Speak kindly about your neighbors to other neighbors. Cut the gossip lines. Stick up for good people and defend their integrity when possible. And if you ruined someone else’s reputation, apologize. Make it known that you did so to cause hurt. Repair as much damage as possible. Be the person God has meant for you to be. Stand up and be strong in the Lord. Be an example first of all, before you expect others to follow.

And whatever you do, do NOT focus on differences and ill-will attitudes between you and others in your community. Just because you “think” maybe someone wasn’t nice to you or said something about you, does NOT give you privilege (as a “christian”) to retaliate. How ironic is that last sentence?!

I’ve seen it too often in the past several years. A man calls another man a liar, (when he himself is known in the community as someone dishonest and distrustful) just so he can get his own way. Or he does whatever he can to discredit a hard worker in the community so he gets a pay raise. Putting others down to raise himself up. Making fun of another Godly person, no matter how sincere that other person is. Whispering to your neighbors about how another family is supposedly “raising” their kids. Makes me sick and I’m positive God is sick too with those vile things. And all in the name of being a “christian”. THIS is what will destroy communities. And does NOT build up and encourage. These are the ways of “How to destroy a community”.

Enough negativity there. Hope you were encouraged to continue being a blessing, wherever God has you, today! Go forth and be a blessing to those you meet. Be giving and gracious. Speak words of LIFE to those you come in contact with. “And let your light so shine before men.”

Happy Thursday!

“Encouragement” Part 1: Begin with yourself!


I’m so excited to start a new series this year focusing mainly on Encouraging and Blessing those we come in contact with…please join me as we learn together.

This is Part ONE in the new series-  Encouragement: Begin with yourself!

We have all met people in the community, loved ones and neighbors who need encouragement from time to time. Possibly some more than others, and then there are some who never seem to complain. But truthfully, these folks also can use the encouragement more than we think! Maybe you don’t always know the right “words” to use or how to go about it. I’m praying we can find answers and solutions together as we go on this journey.

First of all, do you know the full meaning of encouragement? Just curious. I thought I did. But I decided to look it up anyway to really get into the depth of it. From Websters Dictionary…

encouragement: n.

1. something that makes someone more determined, hopeful or confident

2. something that makes someone more likely to do something

3. the act of making something more appealing or more likely to happen

Some synonyms I’ll likely use somewhere, sometime as we go along: boost, goad, instigate, stimulate, motivate, spur, edify

So let’s begin within our homes. Our families. Our people we come in contact with. Every. Single. Day.


Sometimes I think the home is where there is the greatest need for encouragement, yet it lacks it the most. Possibly it’s because we tend to take loved ones for granted. Possibly because we get so engaged in every day life and forget to edify each other as we should. Maybe your household is so full of activity, with everyone scurrying in and out of the home at different intervals, and you get caught up in the “hurry and scurry”. Possibly you are so distracted with your personal agenda, that you forget to look beyond your small horizon to see the needs of others.

But first, let’s begin with ourselves. I know this sounds a tad selfish, but just like I learned in EMT school years ago- an EMT cannot help other people out of a burning building if you don’t get out yourself first. Then, it is possible to save someone else’s life. This was drilled into us. And I’d like to follow through with this concept.

If you, yourself, is beaten down and depressed in life, who do you think you will encourage? No one! In fact, there’s been many times, I’ve had contact with someone, who “supposedly” came to encourage me or wanted to have coffee with me for whatever reason. And vice versa. But…I came home completely discouraged (yes, the devil aims to destroy) even though they said they were there to “encourage”, their discouragement actually came through so strong, it completely tried to weaken me. The negative always sets out to take over the positive! I’ve learned through our studies recently in Christian psychology, that if you are not strong enough emotionally and mentally in the Lord, do not take on being an encouragement to someone who is depressed. The negative tries desperately to win. Every time. And it will overpower you. A soldier does not go into battle half prepared. Or without his weapon. Be on your guard Christian soldiers!

So then, continuing our discussion, how does one find the time to look beyond self and recognize other’s pain, needs and attention? Is it possible to encourage others though, when you don’t feel so “excited about life” yourself? And how do you begin with yourself? Just a few questions and thoughts to get us started…

These are 10 things I’ve found TRUE for myself:

1. When I rise in the morning: Give me Jesus first of all. This goes such a long way in starting my day on the right foot. It gives me energy and focus for my life. I remember what my purpose is, in life. It gives me a grounding effect on my soul. We need that Spiritual breakfast. As “they” say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Think about this each morning and purpose to have your Bible “for breakfast”, so to speak. Or along with your morning coffee. And also, don’t forget to “talk” with Jesus. Treat Him as your very best friend. Ask Him to be your strength for the day, for your guidance and wisdom. Maybe you don’t feel like you have time first thing when you arise. Each schedule is different. Possibly there’s little ones in the house who wake up at odd times of the night/morning etc. [I remember this all too well when I was still at home: my mom was overwhelmed with my brother’s {leukemia} care and trips 3 times a week to the hospital for several years. I had a full-time, 60+ hour-a-week job at the nursing home. And since I was {privileged to be} the oldest daughter of 10 children, I was given more duties than most 18 year olds. My tiny sisters became my babies. Day and night.] How does one make time for Bible Study? It may not always be the same time every day, but take at least 5 min. if that’s all the time you can find.

Psalm 16:11 ESV You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

2. Listen to uplifting, Godly music! I love turning on a soothing Gospel CD or a radio station, as I clean, prepare food or fold laundry. Music has been known to lift one’s spirits in ways that can’t be explained. Hum along. Dance with your little children if you feel like it. 🙂 Habakkuk 3:18 ESV Yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation.

3. Memorize a few key verses that inspire you on your spiritual journey. Esp. for the times you are struggling with having a good attitude towards someone, or dealing with life’s problems or whatever you might be facing. The devil does not enjoy hearing you speak the Word of God out loud. So do it. Just because and on purpose. 🙂 Pin up verses throughout your home as little tidbits of encouragement you can see easily and quickly.

4. How about a quick morning/afternoon walk or run outdoors when you get a chance? This allows for quiet meditation in the beauty of nature surrounding us. (Esp. if you live in CO) 🙂 Or put your kiddos in a stroller. Take them with you! It may help put one to sleep…On a side note: Apparently I’ve walked enough in my neighborhood that even the neighbor man commented one time that I’ve really lost weight lately. Never mind he was so drunk, he was leaning on the fence for support, the entire conversation! And no, there hasn’t been that much weight loss around here. Unfortunately. 😦 But this got me thinking: walking can also bring up conversations with your neighbors! Another way to reach out -beyond ourselves!

5. Ask someone for help when you feel completely overwhelmed and exhausted. Sometimes I think ladies/mothers find it so hard to ask for help, for fear it will appear they are failing. [Somehow. But… not sure who would be the judge on that. And not sure why it matters what another lady might think. Or what the community would think either whether you’re successful or “failing” in this way. Did you ever think about that? Why are people judged accordingly whether they can “do it all” or whether they ask for help? Since when and why?! By the way, this is a spirit of fear. ]

6. Laugh. That’s right! Sometimes you just need a really good belly laugh to let go and enjoy life again. This is something my husband and I love to do together. It releases many feel-good endorphins in your brain. Makes your brain think that life is great! Garrett and I love watching AFV if we happen to have a free evening and need a good laugh. We laugh until we cry. Nothing wrong with that.

Proverbs 17:22 ESV A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

7. How about taking care of yourself with nutrition, vitamins and good-for-you food? Awhile back I watched the documentary, “Super size me”. It was very interesting to say the least. After dining in McDonald’s fine dining for a month, (three times a day) the man’s health had gone down hill very badly.He became lethargic and lazy. Gained lots of weight and felt sick. You truly are what you eat. Bring on the healthy fats, protein, fresh veggies and lean meats! This will also help you mentally. Even just the thought of doing something healthy for yourself, can help you function better!

8. Tell a loved one how much you love them and care for them. Even though you feel you need to hear the words yourself, say it first to someone else. It’s very likely they will in return tell you how much you mean to them. It’s kind of like using reverse psychology on yourself. 🙂 Give a hug to a loved one- because, just think, you’re actually getting one as well in the same deal. Kinda cool, actually.

9. I love working on small hobbies when I feel sorta blah. Maybe you don’t feel you have time for that. But seriously, does the laundry have to be done this very minute? Or how about spending an hour just reading a story to your children? Do something fun for a little while! Put a puzzle together. Create things out of play dough. Or try that {Pinterest} idea you’ve been thinking about. Or how about a game of Memory?

10. Bless someone else [and it will be returned to you with blessings ten fold]. I have certainly found, that if I am having a discouraging day, and I go out of my way to help someone else, my day is suddenly much brighter and more joyful! Reach out, touch someone else around you. You will find someone who has life much more difficult than yourself. If you care to look. Guaranteed. Maybe it’s just a small act of kindness. Maybe it’s cleaning someone’s house, or taking a hot meal to a poor, needy family. We will get into this more when we talk about “Encouraging our community” in an upcoming blog.

While there are many other ways to encourage yourself, try a few of these this week and see what happens!

Btw, it really helps to have a husband’s shoulder to have a good cry on, just because, when you need to. 😉 Sometimes we ladies have a few hormonal moments, and it’s nothing to be embarrassed of! I’m just thankful God gave me a man who is understanding and loving no matter what. I praise God for this.

Until next time, be BLESSED in the Lord and encouraged to live the life He has given you!

Christmas and a SURPRISE Weekend Getaway


Howdy- to you dear folks from near and far away…Feels SO very good to have Christmas Days over now and looking forward to the days of 2015. Even though I just love Christmas and all the Holiday cheer, there’s just something about the thoughts of a quiet January that makes me feel quite delighted. Maybe it’s the idea of hitting the {To DO} list quite hard, or catching up with the mending pile, doing more writing, or maybe dreaming of summer over a cup of coffee (while gazing at snow outside) [ok, maybe I’m getting ahead of myself a little there! lol] Whatever it is, I’m always so very happy to be inside my cozy, warm house. But…reality says, “there’s a sister’s baby shower to plan and host, a long trip to get ready for and, and, and…” Wait! I thought it’s supposed to be a lazy, quiet month!?!

But let me back up again for a bit…we had such a lovely month of December. Along with the regular duties and volunteer work, it was made complete with:

1. A cookie exchange [with dear friends].

                                                2. An elegant evening out with the niece to a ballet performance.
IMG_3401                                Here Miss Taylor is serenading us at her mama’s birthday party! She’s got the talent!
3. Cookie baking day at church with church ladies- for the church caroling and community.

                                                     4. A fun open house Garrett & I did in our home this year.

. IMG_3630
IMG_3610Just something about twinkling lights over the Holidays…

                           5. Not just one Christmas Caroling with our church family [but TWO!!!] (I think in all, we sang to at least 16 households this year!)

                         6. Baking ALL day for the St. Nicholas project [with church ladies, again! For 30 community families- 720       dinner rolls, 30 pumpkin pies!] Whew! I’m blessed with a wonderful small army of awesome bakers in this church!
7. Going with my sis and her husband to pass out all the goodies to the poor folk of Delta, CO. What an amazing way to connect with people. It’s been so eye opening and a blessing for us indeed.
8. Shopping in the mall in Grand Junction on Christmas eve., just because!:) (Husbands new phone being doctored at Verizon in the mean time.)
9. And in the meantime, the laundry room got an extensive makeover! Yay! We are “almost” ready for final pics now. Finally! [stay tuned!] 😉
10. And last but most certainly not least…a SURPRISE getaway the husband planned for the weary wife. It was indeed wonderful, relaxing, amazing and inspiring! He whisked me away on Christmas Day- gave me a few hints on how to pack and drove on weird roads to throw me off track. We laughed and talked and laughed some more until we FINALLY arrived in the sleepy, snowy town of Ouray, CO. He had reserved a room at the Weisbaden Lodge, Tucked away up against the back of the huge Stone mountains. And it was perfect.
We had a wonderful, private, fenced in, outdoor hot tub for an hour. Complete with an underground vapor cave, a 60 minute massage (yes, he reserved this too!) and dinner at the Historic Beaumont Hotel. It. Was. Pure. Bliss. Almost heavenly.

This was the second time we have visited this place, and I would stay there again! Such a dear man to do this for me and a wonderful husband, made just for me. Life is amazing with him! I’m so blessed and thrilled to be his wife.
Coming into the quaint, cozy town of Ouray, Colorado…
Our sweet little spot, tight up against the mountain side of Ouray. A relaxing retreat. A hidden gem.
IMG_3534                                            Our room, on the outside boardwalk…6 inches snow…it snowed all night

                                                           Thursday evening and most of Friday night. Brrrr!
IMG_3537                                Walking the town…
Ate a lovely breakfast and drank coffee at this sweet lil’ cafe Friday morning…
We drove to the top of a hill, overlooking the tiny town.

                                                      Ouray, Colorado {Little Switzerland of America}
“We viewed the monstrous icicles close to the Falls…breathtaking!

Old windows in our room that opened to the mountain behind us.

Beautiful tones of the bells wafting through the evening air…

It’s a Winter Wonderland on Christmas Day!

I just don’t get tired of Snowy Western towns!

Kids and adults sledding on the quiet streets. You could hear their shrieks and laughter from a block away. So much happiness. So much joy.

Bighorn sheep right outside the town. Headed towards home.

It’s been a wonderful vacation! And with parting words, “Wherever the road may lead you, may you walk hand in hand with Jesus”! And never let go of the reason for the busy, over-scheduled, joyful season, we call Christmas! Until Next year!

One of my absolute favorite things to do is: Sitting outside on the warm, stone patio- a cold iced drink beside me, the sun lowering itself across the western sky… This is my happy place. LOVE what the Father does each evening- painting such vibrant hues across an enormous canvas (the sky).  And I get to sit here, drink it all in and bask in His Glory, His creation, His masterpieces of Nature.

Many questions, concerns, prayers and thoughts roam freely while I simply enjoy His handiwork.

1. Isis. Terrorism. Threats to the USA. And death.

2. Ebola- the terrible disease that many are suffering from and are dying daily. {in Africa} Thousands are now affected.

3. Local injustices. In our town and in our churches. Right versus wrong. Left versus Right. All humanity making imprints in this life. One way or another.

4. Watching slow Spiritual death occurring to friends and loved ones. Watching other friends and loved ones SPRING to LIFE in Christ!

5. Pondering life through the eyes of a hurting friend.

6. Upcoming elections and wondering how this will affect our land.

7. Thankful for the teachings of Dave Ramsey and his Godly influence among thousands of people. Praying more people would open their eyes and accept his teachings =change in America!

8. Praising God for the five senses He has gifted to me as I sit here. [Pondering. Thinking. Over-thinking]. 🙂 The sound of the birds, the feel of a cool breeze, the smell of Fall, the sight of the mountains surrounding me, and the taste of clear, life-sustaining water.

9. What will future generations face? The world has officially gone mad. Is this what my great-grandfather pondered as well?

10. SO very happy thoughts about my marriage and the life God has given us together.

11. Hating on Halloween. Yes I hate it. Makes me mad every year. Esp. when I see friends who are now embracing it, celebrating it and loving it.

12. Neighbors divorcing, innocent children caught in wrongful drama, and the multi-million dollar sex trade world= makes me sick.

As I sit here and pray…I realize more fully again, each item on this list, God is very capable of taking care of. He’s got the whole world in His hands. Thankfully it is not in human hands. No matter how crazy people are getting to be these days, God promised to take care of His own. No matter who may let you down, God will never do that. Need a secure feeling tonight before you go to sleep? Can’t sleep because of turmoil around you? Rest in God’s pure, sweet peace. Feel His presence beside you. Sometimes I do a little visualizing if I’m struggling. I see Jesus standing beside my bed in the darkest night, guarding, and telling the demons, “this is my child, leave her alone.”  I dare you to try it.

Tonight I pray for each one who reads this that:

1. God grants you peace from the chaotic world.

2. He gives you joy in the presence of sorrow.

3.He will grant you mercy when you are undeserving.

4.He will bring you healing, where there are hurts.

5. He restores your broken heart. And fill it completely.

6. You will have a burning desire and a hunger for His Way, His life, His Truth.

7. You can overcome all fears. In the Name of the Lord.

8. You will be used for His kingdom and His Glory.

9. You will be empowered and move by His Word.

10. And that HE will be your All in All.


Have a Happy October!



Summer Comes to a close….

Hi y’all! Now that summer has come to a close, I’d love to pick up my writing pen again and continue rambling thoughts….I’m so happy with how summer went. SO many blessings to think and write about! So many adventures checked off the summer bucket list, so many memories to cherish and so many good times with family and friends! How was your summer? Did you go on a family vacation? Family reunions, anyone?
Here’s a peek at our life in our small world in the Great out West! 🙂
Schrock Reunion May 2014 in Pennsylvania this year…Good times!

Lamar and Matt’s 40th Birthday Celebrations….

Schrock Reunion 2014 031

Matt & Charlene

Schrock Reunion 2014 028

Stan & Ruth

Schrock Reunion 2014 025

Lamar & Galina

Schrock Reunion 2014 020

Lorne & Lynelle

Schrock Reunion 2014 019

Victor & Maria

Visited a Dairy farm with robot milkers…very interesting to say the least! And toured Garrett’s brother Matt’s tree farm and nursery…
Schrock Reunion 2014 009
Schrock Reunion 2014 011

Corn days…Thankful for a niece and nephew to help do someone else’s corn! 🙂

Etsy Shop 2014 015


Evening concert at Ridgeway Park with adorable nephews! 🙂


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Axel Jayce

5k Color Run/Walk with the sistas and niece! So fun! Have you ever tried one? They’re great! 😉

Summer 2014 033

Color Fun Run!

Summer 2014 031

Annual Lake Powell vacation with family….
Etsy Shop 2014 007

Utah- Above Rubies Ladies retreat back in the mountains with Nancy Campbell and two friends from Colorado! So much inspiration packed into one weekend. And lots of new friends made.
Summer 2014 001
Summer 2014 003

Mountain-top picnic with my love….picking wildflowers. (oh yeah!) 😉
Summer 2014 126

My bouquet of wildflowers from the Mountains of Colorado! So beautiful and smelled so wonderful. Even took the bouquet along to church on Sunday….
Summer 2014 152

A front porch addition to our house! Can’t wait until it’s completed! New roof installed…yay!
Summer 2014 049

Bear sightings on the Grand Mesa- picnic time with friends and family!

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Summer 2014 178

Summer evening beside a lake on the Mesa…

Summer 2014 084

THE largest iced coffee for special sisters!

Summer 2014 186

Wake boarding!

Summer 2014 194

Connor and Taylor’s Baptism

When things in life look rough, when everything seems hopeless, God sends a sweet reminder. His promise!

Summer 2014 063

Rainbows on the ranch

Summer 2014 075

Tea Party for the girls!

Summer time fun on the boat!
Summer 2014 191

Mom and Dad spent two months in Mexico for treatments, so the beginning of July, Jerilyn and I flew in to be with all the girls at home and to keep the ranch up and running!
Couch burning ceremony- all to celebrate a whole new living room set for the parents!

Summer 2014 083
Helping with Homeless Shelter Fundraisers…
Summer 2014 090

Summer 2014 013

Camping in Colorado Mountains

In August my dad was hospitalized for over two weeks. Praise God he’s still with us today! A very scary ordeal- diagnosed with two infections in his lungs, a surgical biopsy procedure etc. Jerilyn, Jared and I flew in to be with him. We stayed for a little over a week. So, so thankful for my wonderful dad! We made many, many memories in that hospital. Crying together, singing, praying etc.

Hike with my love up to Hanging Lake and Falls. Breathtaking!!!!
Summer 2014 034
Summer 2014 030

We love summer out in the West. In Colorado. No other place we’d rather be…
Summer 2014 121

Hosted Brother Mervin Wengerd for weekend mtgs. in our little church the first weekend in Sept. Enjoyed it so much! So much info packed into four sessions. We went through the Bondage to Freedom Seminar- hosted by Gospel Express Ministries.

How was your summer? Full of love, laughter, and good times? I hope so. Life is for living! Sometimes we need to step back and count the many blessings. And recount the moments. And to thank God for all He’s done. And will do. Have a blessed Autumn season- I know I’m excited for it!


Now to finish canning, housecleaning etc. I’m wanting to start on Winter projects! There’s much to do- running an Etsy shop (oops getting behind on that a bit :() Baby-stuff shopping with my sister Jerilyn! Yard sales this weekend with Janetta.  Major Laundry room Renovation coming up!! (stay tuned for before and after pics!) Sewing for a wonderful cause- pillowcases for a charity (kids & ppl in the hospital) Then there’s always the usual organizing etc. And occasional babysitting. And…and…well yeah, I plan to sit and drink another cup of coffee before I get started today- Ha!

God’s blessings…Julia

Let it Go! Let it Go! Let it Go!

Relationships. Wow, my head is full and overflowing with thoughts when I think about this. It is something my hubby and I have been learning so very much about the last seven years. And thinking and learning about. And repeat. 🙂

This past Sunday, my hubby preached on this subject at church. So much Truth packed into a short time.

1. God designed relationships and created them because HE longed to have a relationship with someone.

2. Since the Fall of man, no relationship here on earth has been perfect. Even our relationships with God. We fail Him, in our humanity. With each other. {Wars break out over trivial matters, feuds happen over stupid issues, and trust is broken when someone offends his brother etc.}

There have been so many times in the past few years, that I’ve been tempted with thoughts [coming straight from Mr. Satan] that have not always been fruitful and joyful when it came to relationships. Because Truth is, sometimes, I’ve simply grown so very weary of people. Friends. Relatives. Christians. Non-Christians etc.

And all the escapades. And “situations”.

And then to think, each person has its own set of problems. Failures. Heartaches. Fears. Issues. {You get the picture}

It is simply overwhelming when you take it all in. (This is the analytic person in me speaking here)

Oh, never mind, I’ve definitely encountered a few that were perfect. Yup, absolutely. You don’t believe me? But I bet you would recognize these people. They walk taller. Sit straighter than everyone else. Look at the ceiling when you approach. (or appears so with the nose) And they compete with those who do good. (with the actual, real fruits in their competitor’s lives) But don’t be fooled, it’s all from wrong motives. Oh sure, they definitely see everyone else’s problems. And then they begin to talk. And talk. And around the circle we go. Around the mulberry bush we chase. Getting the focus off what’s really important in the Christian life, because the chase is too much fun.

I’m sure you’ve all witnessed it. Heard it all. Just like I have. AND I’VE BEEN ONE OF THEM in the past.

Remarks like this one: “If only other people could just {for once} see that Mrs._____ is really just so, just so controlling, like seriously! When are others going to catch on that she’s just so…controlling? Even to her husband. And kids.”


Or how about this one: ” He just is not doing it right. Makes me so sick. Wish I could just take over that job for him, cause he just sucks at it.”

WOW. Again.

And the tempter whispers. And the people heed. And they fall over each other, running so speedily to spread the juicy details and gossip and all the gory details of a brother/sister “failing”. (In whose eyes anyway?!)

Think about that for a minute. Or longer.

This brother is “failing” according to whose standards? Your own? If it’s not sin against God, but simply a difference in opinions, please [for crying out loud] don’t make it about yourself…so, you are better than him in this regard? [Alrighty then. Glad we got that all figured out.]

I’ve witnessed these attitudes many times over.  When I think I’ve about heard it all, then I’m surprised with a new one. Or am I, really?

I’ve seen critical spirits in so-called Christians. I’ve seen jealousy. I’ve seen un-forgiveness, blame and hate. I’ve watched it destroy good, wonderful people. And I’ve cried. I’ve broken down into despair and helplessness.

Then I’ve gotten bogged down with rumors, drama, seeing hurts being caused by people who are careless, watching feelings get bashed and wounds being ripped wide open. I see hypocrites everywhere. (I promise, they stalk this planet.) 🙂

What’s the answer to all this? IS there even any answers on knowing how to deal with all these drama people? Is this what God had in mind, when He created us? So many questions…

Going back to a few more short notes I scribbled while listening to the hubby’s sermon:

We need to understand that humanity is [relationship-wise] very dysfunctional. And learn how to deal with that thought.

We need to make agreements with God [ meanwhile breaking ALL disagreements with Satan] and recognize that relationships are extremely important in life. And to God. And start believing good things about others. No more negativity.

 Recognizing and embracing to the full extent- Jesus came, died and rose again for the sake of humanity and all its failures, sins and griefs. MY sins and griefs…

Believing we are no better than others in the sight of God, but because of God’s power in our lives, we can change. 

We are all so important to God. He desires to love and seek each of our hearts. One is never better than another. And it grieves His heart when He see how little Christians actually care about the very “beings’ he desired and created. We are created to need each other. To learn from each other. And to help each other through life.

What should you do with “offenses” that come your way? What about slamming remarks you hear “in the streets”, from people you thought once loved you? How about unbelievable tales about another friend/brother in the church?


Or how about:

Do you lend a sympathetic ear to someone who constantly seems to want to “create” hurts and focus on drama? (This is called being an enabler!) Or are you called “unfriendly” if you don’t stop and listen to these people? Should you stand up to gossip and demolish it when you hear it? {YES, PLEASE!} Are you then, in turn, “talked about” for being so “uncaring” if you stand up for whatever is being so rudely talked about? {yes, been there too}

Okay, this is where my head begins to spin and whir about. 🙂 I’ve gotten so weary of it all at times. I had begun to think that there’s never an end to drama.  An end “hurt” relationships. One can never do it right. Ever. Or say the right things.

Stop and learn to recognize those wrong thoughts…(Did you see those lies?!)^^^

I simply long for Heaven in a deeper way, every time I hear and see all these things. I long to see my Savior’s face, first of all.  So much negativity that goes with relationships, I think I want to just focus on that wonderful, glorious thought for awhile!

Want the real answer? The honest-to-goodness Truth?

It’s Jesus. Pure and simple.

HE wants to carry each massive/little offense. Each tiny “hurt”. Please lay it at the foot of the cross. That’s what He says to do. Do it.

Take the focus off yourself. Focus on Him and all worries will melt away. Feeling bogged down by lies, feelings and people? Give it to Him tonight. He wants to hear from an honest, open heart. Believe me, the peace is worth it all!!!

Let it go. Let it go. Let it go. And then, let GOD!

STOP trying to control your life situations, your relationships. Give it up to Him.

STOP trying to manipulate people into doing what your selfish, little heart desires. Hand it over to Him.

STOP talking about people. Talk  to Jesus instead.

STOP listening to negative, drama-prone people. Listen to the Master instead.

STOP concerning yourself about other people’s matters- be concerned for the lost and dying in the world instead.

STOP competing for other people’s fruits- Focus on Jesus and He will “freely give” you fresh fruit instead.

STOP being offended over every little thing- Lay it at Jesus’ feet. He’s begging for it.

STOP jumping to conclusions about others. Let Jesus handle that, instead.

No one else may STOP doing these things, and you may be the only one. God will bless you for it. You will have your reward in Heaven.

But it’s up to you. Please help break this vicious cycle. It’s sin. It stinks. And it’s gross.

Recognize that Relationships are important to you. Love your friends. Treat them with respect. Honor your husband. Love the brotherhood. Trust all things into God’s care. And for goodness’ sake…LET IT GO!!!!!!!!

[Just like in the movie, Frozen. Listen to that song, if you care to]

Some more words of admonition were wisely shared (from Brother Cliff) in church on Sunday…

Edify the brothers. Each other. Fellow Christians. What does EDIFY mean? a. to uplift, encourage, strengthen etc.

A person either speaks words of Life, or words of death to others. This is serious, folks!

Have you edified someone with words of Life today? Or torn down and destroyed with words of death? The controller behind your tongue, is your brain. What’s in it will come out.

Do you value your relationships as God does? I want to hear if you do. 🙂 What do you do to recognize your friendships? Do you trust God to navigate you through life? Once again, if you’re holding on to grudges of the past, LET IT GO! You will only hurt yourself. Enough said.

May God bless you this evening, may you find rest in Him. And may He continually show you new things in Him. Reach out, extend a hand of forgiveness. Show others you care, but please harden your heart to gossip. Be gentle with your words. Love your family and friends fiercely. Be vulnerable. And go with God. 



We have this Moment TODAY…

All is still. The world is silent. All universe seems to be wrapped in a complete darkness as if awaiting something glorious. As the dawn begins to break over the horizon, light slowly creeps across the dark sky…

So much potential.

The moments of the day not [yet] lived. Words not [yet] spoken. Smiles not [yet] shared. Angry curses not [yet] been flung. The path of the day not [yet] been trodden upon.

So many possibilities. So many chances. So many prospects.

Each moment is not the same. Yet is filled with many opportunities.

Then out of nowhere, that first brave bird begins to quietly warble in the distance. Others follow suit…and suddenly the earth is engulfed in the beautiful lyrics of the early birds arising to worship the Creator, their Master.

What does God have in store for you today? Are you willing to seize each moment with passion for Him? Will you recognize the opportunities He will bring for you to stop and worship Him wherever you are?

Are you willing to speak words of wisdom, strength, and encouragement to others around you? Stop to smell the flowers. Listen to the children’s laughter. Enjoy the nature He has created.[specifically with you in mind!] Drink in the moments with friends and family on this Holiday- taste the yummy food at the picnic. Pray for your children. Kiss your husband. Smile. And forgive the offenses that will come.

Live in the moments of today. For it will never come again. The chances of living life {today} will be past.

We have this Moment

Hold tight to the sound of the music of living,
Happy songs from the laughter of children at play;
Hold my hand as we run through the sweet fragrant meadows,
Making mem’ries of what was today.

Chorus: We have this moment to hold in our hands
and to touch as it slips through our fingers like sand;
Yesterday’s gone and tomorrow may never come,
But we have this moment today.

Tiny voice that I hear is my little girl calling,
For Daddy to hear just what she has to say;
And my little son running there by the hillside,
May never be quite like today.

Tender words, gentle touch and a good cup of coffee,
And someone who loves me and wants me to stay;
Hold them near while they’re here and don’t wait for tomorrow,
To look back and wish for today.

Take the blue of the sky and the green of the forest,
And the gold and the brown of the freshly mown hay;
Add the pale shades of spring and the circus of autumn,
And weave you a lovely today. -Anonymous