National Day of Prayer

National Day of Prayer… TODAY. Have you talked with God today? Or did you find more time to talk about others TO others? The list is unending to pray for. But God has moved and spoken and done amazing things, esp. the last while, giving me inspiration to bring more to the Heavenly throne, and learn more of {HIM}. To worship Him. To live for Him. To bring Him [more] glory.

What does PRAYER mean to you? The last few months, Garrett & I have been studying into Prayer more than ever before. We have been searching all angles {of prayer} and our talks with our heavenly Father. What a blessing to commune in this way. Sharing our feelings, our tears, our joys and our fears with the ONE who cares so deeply for each of us. He doesn’t just sit and listen. He talks back. He answers pleas. He rejoices with us. He sends His comforter. He sends Grace in powerful ways. He heals. He moves mountains and He brings Hope for the future.

Seeing God move in dark areas of the world, recently, has boosted my Faith like NEVER before. Yes, we’ve seen evil being cast out before. Yes, we’ve witnessed souls coming to Christ, and yes, we’ve seen healing occur. But in a new and fresh way, we’ve seen darkness fleeing in the presence of our King recently. We’ve seen clouds lift off dark valleys and the [Sun] piercing through blackness. What a powerful God we serve! Are you praying for God’s Light to pierce the darkness in men’s hearts? To overcome wickedness around you? For the shadows to flee?

Are you interceding, pleading and asking God for mercy upon our country? For the LOST tribes around the world? For the sins of man in our own communities? For the souls in our churches? For the forgotten and the lowly of society?

Every day is extremely crucial for the Christian to kneel and PRAY for those you love, for those who need God and for our families! Pray with an open heart. Let God speak and guide you. Tomorrow will be too late for someone to make the right choices and to be set FREE from sins.

I encourage each of you to stop and pray for your husband, wife, children or neighbors. The government. Our country. Let it ripple out across the world. Wider and wider.

Don’t ponder why we “should” pray…that’s where the devil wants YOU. He catches you and me in the “whys”. He moves when you skip a beat. When you fail to communicate with your Father. He’s sly. And he LOVES to catch you unaware.

Life may be busy, hectic and full. Does that tend to stop you from praying like you should? It will NEVER get better and easier. I can promise you that. Make the time today!

Have a BLESSED weekend.

P.S. How far do you think your prayers can ripple to? Food for thought…:)

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