Let it Go! Let it Go! Let it Go!

Relationships. Wow, my head is full and overflowing with thoughts when I think about this. It is something my hubby and I have been learning so very much about the last seven years. And thinking and learning about. And repeat. 🙂

This past Sunday, my hubby preached on this subject at church. So much Truth packed into a short time.

1. God designed relationships and created them because HE longed to have a relationship with someone.

2. Since the Fall of man, no relationship here on earth has been perfect. Even our relationships with God. We fail Him, in our humanity. With each other. {Wars break out over trivial matters, feuds happen over stupid issues, and trust is broken when someone offends his brother etc.}

There have been so many times in the past few years, that I’ve been tempted with thoughts [coming straight from Mr. Satan] that have not always been fruitful and joyful when it came to relationships. Because Truth is, sometimes, I’ve simply grown so very weary of people. Friends. Relatives. Christians. Non-Christians etc.

And all the escapades. And “situations”.

And then to think, each person has its own set of problems. Failures. Heartaches. Fears. Issues. {You get the picture}

It is simply overwhelming when you take it all in. (This is the analytic person in me speaking here)

Oh, never mind, I’ve definitely encountered a few that were perfect. Yup, absolutely. You don’t believe me? But I bet you would recognize these people. They walk taller. Sit straighter than everyone else. Look at the ceiling when you approach. (or appears so with the nose) And they compete with those who do good. (with the actual, real fruits in their competitor’s lives) But don’t be fooled, it’s all from wrong motives. Oh sure, they definitely see everyone else’s problems. And then they begin to talk. And talk. And around the circle we go. Around the mulberry bush we chase. Getting the focus off what’s really important in the Christian life, because the chase is too much fun.

I’m sure you’ve all witnessed it. Heard it all. Just like I have. AND I’VE BEEN ONE OF THEM in the past.

Remarks like this one: “If only other people could just {for once} see that Mrs._____ is really just so, just so controlling, like seriously! When are others going to catch on that she’s just so…controlling? Even to her husband. And kids.”


Or how about this one: ” He just is not doing it right. Makes me so sick. Wish I could just take over that job for him, cause he just sucks at it.”

WOW. Again.

And the tempter whispers. And the people heed. And they fall over each other, running so speedily to spread the juicy details and gossip and all the gory details of a brother/sister “failing”. (In whose eyes anyway?!)

Think about that for a minute. Or longer.

This brother is “failing” according to whose standards? Your own? If it’s not sin against God, but simply a difference in opinions, please [for crying out loud] don’t make it about yourself…so, you are better than him in this regard? [Alrighty then. Glad we got that all figured out.]

I’ve witnessed these attitudes many times over.  When I think I’ve about heard it all, then I’m surprised with a new one. Or am I, really?

I’ve seen critical spirits in so-called Christians. I’ve seen jealousy. I’ve seen un-forgiveness, blame and hate. I’ve watched it destroy good, wonderful people. And I’ve cried. I’ve broken down into despair and helplessness.

Then I’ve gotten bogged down with rumors, drama, seeing hurts being caused by people who are careless, watching feelings get bashed and wounds being ripped wide open. I see hypocrites everywhere. (I promise, they stalk this planet.) 🙂

What’s the answer to all this? IS there even any answers on knowing how to deal with all these drama people? Is this what God had in mind, when He created us? So many questions…

Going back to a few more short notes I scribbled while listening to the hubby’s sermon:

We need to understand that humanity is [relationship-wise] very dysfunctional. And learn how to deal with that thought.

We need to make agreements with God [ meanwhile breaking ALL disagreements with Satan] and recognize that relationships are extremely important in life. And to God. And start believing good things about others. No more negativity.

 Recognizing and embracing to the full extent- Jesus came, died and rose again for the sake of humanity and all its failures, sins and griefs. MY sins and griefs…

Believing we are no better than others in the sight of God, but because of God’s power in our lives, we can change. 

We are all so important to God. He desires to love and seek each of our hearts. One is never better than another. And it grieves His heart when He see how little Christians actually care about the very “beings’ he desired and created. We are created to need each other. To learn from each other. And to help each other through life.

What should you do with “offenses” that come your way? What about slamming remarks you hear “in the streets”, from people you thought once loved you? How about unbelievable tales about another friend/brother in the church?


Or how about:

Do you lend a sympathetic ear to someone who constantly seems to want to “create” hurts and focus on drama? (This is called being an enabler!) Or are you called “unfriendly” if you don’t stop and listen to these people? Should you stand up to gossip and demolish it when you hear it? {YES, PLEASE!} Are you then, in turn, “talked about” for being so “uncaring” if you stand up for whatever is being so rudely talked about? {yes, been there too}

Okay, this is where my head begins to spin and whir about. 🙂 I’ve gotten so weary of it all at times. I had begun to think that there’s never an end to drama.  An end “hurt” relationships. One can never do it right. Ever. Or say the right things.

Stop and learn to recognize those wrong thoughts…(Did you see those lies?!)^^^

I simply long for Heaven in a deeper way, every time I hear and see all these things. I long to see my Savior’s face, first of all.  So much negativity that goes with relationships, I think I want to just focus on that wonderful, glorious thought for awhile!

Want the real answer? The honest-to-goodness Truth?

It’s Jesus. Pure and simple.

HE wants to carry each massive/little offense. Each tiny “hurt”. Please lay it at the foot of the cross. That’s what He says to do. Do it.

Take the focus off yourself. Focus on Him and all worries will melt away. Feeling bogged down by lies, feelings and people? Give it to Him tonight. He wants to hear from an honest, open heart. Believe me, the peace is worth it all!!!

Let it go. Let it go. Let it go. And then, let GOD!

STOP trying to control your life situations, your relationships. Give it up to Him.

STOP trying to manipulate people into doing what your selfish, little heart desires. Hand it over to Him.

STOP talking about people. Talk  to Jesus instead.

STOP listening to negative, drama-prone people. Listen to the Master instead.

STOP concerning yourself about other people’s matters- be concerned for the lost and dying in the world instead.

STOP competing for other people’s fruits- Focus on Jesus and He will “freely give” you fresh fruit instead.

STOP being offended over every little thing- Lay it at Jesus’ feet. He’s begging for it.

STOP jumping to conclusions about others. Let Jesus handle that, instead.

No one else may STOP doing these things, and you may be the only one. God will bless you for it. You will have your reward in Heaven.

But it’s up to you. Please help break this vicious cycle. It’s sin. It stinks. And it’s gross.

Recognize that Relationships are important to you. Love your friends. Treat them with respect. Honor your husband. Love the brotherhood. Trust all things into God’s care. And for goodness’ sake…LET IT GO!!!!!!!!

[Just like in the movie, Frozen. Listen to that song, if you care to]

Some more words of admonition were wisely shared (from Brother Cliff) in church on Sunday…

Edify the brothers. Each other. Fellow Christians. What does EDIFY mean? a. to uplift, encourage, strengthen etc.

A person either speaks words of Life, or words of death to others. This is serious, folks!

Have you edified someone with words of Life today? Or torn down and destroyed with words of death? The controller behind your tongue, is your brain. What’s in it will come out.

Do you value your relationships as God does? I want to hear if you do. 🙂 What do you do to recognize your friendships? Do you trust God to navigate you through life? Once again, if you’re holding on to grudges of the past, LET IT GO! You will only hurt yourself. Enough said.

May God bless you this evening, may you find rest in Him. And may He continually show you new things in Him. Reach out, extend a hand of forgiveness. Show others you care, but please harden your heart to gossip. Be gentle with your words. Love your family and friends fiercely. Be vulnerable. And go with God. 



2 thoughts on “Let it Go! Let it Go! Let it Go!

  1. As a fellow human being, and a fellow soldier of the Cross, Julia, I know what you are talking about! It has been devastating to experience and watch over the years. I am finding that as I walk with the Lord, there are some relationships that He simply removes from my life and tells me to steer a wide berth around while others He asks me to work at and become better at. It is JESUS, indeed, who is the answer. To know Him is to love like He does which is hard on the flesh at times but brings Him glory.

    Life is not about me, myself and I. It is about being a witness that He lives. So that means compassion instead of gosssip, giving the benefit of the doubt when I am amazed at the shenanigans of someone else. It is about grace. And most of all, taking up my cross and following the Master who was the best Example for us all.

    Thank you for sharing your heart here. God bless you.

    • I love that thought- Taking up the cross and following HIM. Yes, it’s very sad and it burdens me so much to this happens to so many a good person. The devil is out, seeking whom he can destroy…May you be blessed today!

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