One of my absolute favorite things to do is: Sitting outside on the warm, stone patio- a cold iced drink beside me, the sun lowering itself across the western sky… This is my happy place. LOVE what the Father does each evening- painting such vibrant hues across an enormous canvas (the sky).  And I get to sit here, drink it all in and bask in His Glory, His creation, His masterpieces of Nature.

Many questions, concerns, prayers and thoughts roam freely while I simply enjoy His handiwork.

1. Isis. Terrorism. Threats to the USA. And death.

2. Ebola- the terrible disease that many are suffering from and are dying daily. {in Africa} Thousands are now affected.

3. Local injustices. In our town and in our churches. Right versus wrong. Left versus Right. All humanity making imprints in this life. One way or another.

4. Watching slow Spiritual death occurring to friends and loved ones. Watching other friends and loved ones SPRING to LIFE in Christ!

5. Pondering life through the eyes of a hurting friend.

6. Upcoming elections and wondering how this will affect our land.

7. Thankful for the teachings of Dave Ramsey and his Godly influence among thousands of people. Praying more people would open their eyes and accept his teachings =change in America!

8. Praising God for the five senses He has gifted to me as I sit here. [Pondering. Thinking. Over-thinking]. 🙂 The sound of the birds, the feel of a cool breeze, the smell of Fall, the sight of the mountains surrounding me, and the taste of clear, life-sustaining water.

9. What will future generations face? The world has officially gone mad. Is this what my great-grandfather pondered as well?

10. SO very happy thoughts about my marriage and the life God has given us together.

11. Hating on Halloween. Yes I hate it. Makes me mad every year. Esp. when I see friends who are now embracing it, celebrating it and loving it.

12. Neighbors divorcing, innocent children caught in wrongful drama, and the multi-million dollar sex trade world= makes me sick.

As I sit here and pray…I realize more fully again, each item on this list, God is very capable of taking care of. He’s got the whole world in His hands. Thankfully it is not in human hands. No matter how crazy people are getting to be these days, God promised to take care of His own. No matter who may let you down, God will never do that. Need a secure feeling tonight before you go to sleep? Can’t sleep because of turmoil around you? Rest in God’s pure, sweet peace. Feel His presence beside you. Sometimes I do a little visualizing if I’m struggling. I see Jesus standing beside my bed in the darkest night, guarding, and telling the demons, “this is my child, leave her alone.”  I dare you to try it.

Tonight I pray for each one who reads this that:

1. God grants you peace from the chaotic world.

2. He gives you joy in the presence of sorrow.

3.He will grant you mercy when you are undeserving.

4.He will bring you healing, where there are hurts.

5. He restores your broken heart. And fill it completely.

6. You will have a burning desire and a hunger for His Way, His life, His Truth.

7. You can overcome all fears. In the Name of the Lord.

8. You will be used for His kingdom and His Glory.

9. You will be empowered and move by His Word.

10. And that HE will be your All in All.


Have a Happy October!



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