
Christmas…this word just makes me smile. Every year at this time, I joyfully break out the decorations. I play all the music, and I drink hot, yummy, soothing coffees and teas. It spells relaxation and contentment to me. It’s a time for year for giving. Extra giving, that is. Seems there are just so many, many needs in the world. And there’s so many less fortunate than I. So for Garrett and I, we have decided to never give each other Christmas gifts. And haven’t since the day we got married. Hard to believe? And why on earth, would anyone even consider this? Well…..It all began that one year….we got a flyer in the mail. And it changed our lives. Our selfish ways of thinking.
It was for Christian Aid Ministries. A ministry we’ve personally been involved in, in times past. They send out a booklet every year, packed full of ideas what to give to those suffering from lack of food, warmth etc. People they’ve been in contact with and know the problems are legit. So now, every year, we anticipate this little booklet, and eagerly wait for it in the mail. We pour over it, with our hot coffees in hand, and discuss at length where/what our money should go towards. It is such a glorious feeling, a feeling of God having showered us with undeserved benefits.
A steady, good paying job. Our every day needs always being sufficiently met. Cupboards stocked, gas tanks full, and warm, cozy beds on a cold freezing night. The list of blessings is too long and for that, I feel indebted.

But… there were [and still are!] times, we have had to cry to God to continue providing for us, and times of wondering what will happen because the economy had gotten real bad, and the {good} job was dismissed for a time. And then came a beautiful, timely miracle! It came to us in the midst of a trial. In the midst of a storm, the Lord provided for us. I will never forget some of those miracles and the angels who touched our lives. I thank God for those kind souls who reached out and gave, without knowing our dire straits. Praise God for willing, open hands of His people. Garrett and I have since prayed many times, to be that blessing to those around us. But, sadly, since we’re less than perfect, we have spurned many an opportunity already and have felt the shame. Now,our goal has become… to GIVE with an OPEN hand to those in need. The Bible talks about us giving to the poor around us. Why would God want us to do this? Is not all money His anyway? Sadly, I hear many people using this as an excuse to not give. I have even heard the complaint, “I need to be able to pay my bills, and provide for my family”. Wow, just think on that for a moment. While there is a part of that saying, that is completely true, there is also a part of that statement that disturbs me. Is there a hint of doubt of the heavenly Father not being able to provide for you even when the bank account is empty?

While there are so many aspects on giving, and I wasn’t planning to hit all those points, we do well in remembering how much God gave us this Christmas season. He gave His ONLY Son to redeem mankind. Think about it. His ONLY Son. How much pain did God have to endure to see this take place? He “gave” ALL that He had and it hurt. A lot. There was more pain and suffering in that gift, than you and I can ever imagine. How many of us are willing to give and give until we have nothing left? Or do we trust God [better] when we know we have more than enough in the savings? And when you’re enjoying that luscious ham this Christmas day, will you pause to think of the poor, hungry children, starving for a tiny morsel? Do you find your joy in giving to children, who are already spoiled, and throw temper tantrums over not getting what was actually on their wish list? {surely this never happens!?} Or do you feel the desire to stretch out your hand to a stranger in need? Or maybe you feel the prick in your conscience, when you open yet another present, holding just another potentially useless sweater, that doesn’t “fit” anyway?

Where does this passion of giving begin? And how does one fan that flame?

To me it begins with contentment. If you think about the word contentment long enough, it probably will blow your mind. I’m thankful for this word, and how it has affected my life. Now, you’re probably thinking, that I’m definitely good at rambling…;) And I admit, that word may be for another discussion. But to me, it ties in beautifully with giving.

When my heart is filled with God’s love and grace, and my mind can grasp that, that is where contentment begins. Because of what God has given me, beyond ALL that I deserve, my blessings are no longer my own, but others’ as well. It would be selfish for me, to hang onto the blessings of the Father, who has graciously extended His own Son for my sake. Who am I to hoard these blessings for my very own? And also, if I’m content with what I already have, why would I need MORE things at Christmas?

More of what? Stuff? Useless pretties to sit around my house? Another coat to hang in my already stuffed closet? The latest techno gadget to surf the internet with? What is the purpose of all this stuff? Does it really bring joy?

To most people, the illusion of happiness and contentment is always just beyond reach, out on the horizon. The chase of stuff. And more stuff. The chase of “joy” and “freedom”…and round and round they go. Chasing that tail.
Ponder this word, this Christmas season, as you gather around the tree and the beautifully decorated gifts. {Contentment} Say it out loud. Feel it. Use it.

What is a family Christmas tradition of giving that you have? Or…do you plan to begin one? I pray that God will touch your heart this Christmas season. 

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